SERP provider API reference

The API reference contains documentation for all Gugal classes used in SERP providers, as well as the com.porg.m3 library. It can be used to browse documentation on features not covered in the SERP provider development guide.

Only the latest stable and preview version's API reference will be kept. However, for now, the API reference for commit a1d19859 is available as a preview; it will be replaced with that of Gugal 0.9 preview 1 once that version is out.

Generating the API reference

This is currently only possible when building Gugal from the main branch.

The API reference is generated with Dokka. In the Gugal project, build the docs configuration instead of the app one. Generated docs can be found in (project folder)/build/dokka.

If this configuration doesn't exist:

  1. Go to the "Edit configurations..." menu.
  2. Click on the plus icon, then Gradle.
  3. Name it docs and enter dokkaHtml dokkaHtml under Run.

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